This is the second beaver I have seen on the S.Platte. The other one was a couple miles upstream and about half his size.
A couple years back somebody found one dead that they claimed had to be upwards of 80lbs. After seeing this guy it doesn't sound like such a stretch.
I moved on to a spot a couple miles downriver that I had only scouted once and never fished. I was walking slowly upriver on a sand-flat when I almost tripped over a carp tailing in the shadow of a bridge. By the time I had backed off a couple of feet and lobbed a cast he was wise to me and bolted. He must have been going to town because there was a fresh divot the size of a Frisbee. At least I knew they were there and active!
I made my way across the river to check out a couple of backwaters created by a bridge abutment. As I came around a corner of the abutment there one a tight eddy, in a freakish window of sunlight, tail-haloed like a carp-angel! He was really getting it on with something tasty. I nailed the first cast with a Primordial Carp-Stew and he immediately jumped it. With the weird lighting and the glare it was really hard to tell where he is relative to the fly and I think I set too early. Unfortuntately he drifted a foot to the left and into shadow. Was he still there...was he still active? Suddenly I glimpsed a tail, then a SECOND one. So I split the difference and put a cast right where I think I need to be (two in a row? I aint buyin it either). I Let it drop the gave one small strip. Somehow I knew and set the hook. A hint of motion? A twitch of the line? I am not sure, but there he was.

Mutant Carp....does that count as a new species?
Mutant or no mutant, it is a carp in the winter. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI have caught some goofy looking bastards out here as well...scrunched up faces, etc. A couple of years ago I caught this weird looking bugger with a smushed face that weighed 21 lbs. I released the fish and kept fishing...toward the end of the day and about a half mile away I caught another smushed face fish...21 lbs. Same fish twice in a day, at least a half mile apart on the river. Weird. Check it out on the June 7th entry...
I swear that is the same fish.