
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To Move or To Wait?

This weekend I learned a lesson I have learned many times before.  I am sure I will have to re-learn it over and over. When fly fishing for Carp, every once in a while you have to let the Carp come to you.

I stopped off at a local pond around 3:00PM and quickly found nirvana.  Six mid 20inchers tailing hard on a small flat.   This pond and I are good friends and until recently I was sure there was nothing in there over 20".  It is quite likely these were the 6 biggest fish in the pond.

Between a blown shot (lined him) and a blown take (barely stung the lip) they were all gone pretty quickly.  For once I decided to wait them out and let them come to me.  This is not how I usually operate.  I almost always just move on in search of new fish.  Well, eventually a 25incher finally came ghosting slowly back onto the flat.  I dropped the worm two feet in front and waited until the carp came into range.  At 6" I gave some twitches to get the tail wagging and the Carp did the rest.  It's not too often you get to honestly believe that you just caught the biggest Carp in a body of water.

Sometimes it pays to let them come to you.  Eventually I will really learn that.

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