
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Win Some Carp Flies: Selling Out for The South Platte

For the Carp-Slam this year DTU (Denver Trout Unlimited) has set up a system where individuals can "sponsor" a competitor through a donation to benefit improvements to the South Platte.  That is something I am more than willing to sell myself out for, so lets have a contest!

THE PRIZE:  The winner gets a fly-box filled with 15 of my favorite carp flies

  1. Go to my competitors page and make a donation.  
  2. Optionally leave a comment here or on my facebook page indicating you are in with a donation. 
  3. Contest ends August 1st.
  4. DTU will help me tally up the totals.  I will work some super geeky excel magic and randomly select a winner.  Your odds of winning will be proportional to your percentage of the total donations.  In other words, the higher the donation the better your chances. 
If we get to $750 total dollars (250 entry + 750 in donations), DTU will offer to refund my $250 entry fee.  I am way too lazy to re-balance my checkbook and will refuse the refund.

  1. Enter or volunteer for the Slam.
  2. Put your money on a dead horse and donate through other competitors pages.  
  3. For an additional donation you can also attend the after-party Evening On The South Platte.  


  1. Man, I am in! And please tell me you're making up some t-shirts with that Carp Slam design.

  2. Ty - Thanks allot! As far as the shirts, yes they will have shirts with that awesome logo and yes I will try and find out how you get one. I sent you an email also because I want one of those finewater carp shirts and hadn't gotten around to it, hope you still have some!

  3. Awesome. Gotta have one of those shirts. Lemme know what I need to do to get one. May have to come out there next year and fish this thing.

  4. Count me in for one of those shirts if you can make it happen McTage...sweet design. I sweat i'll show for this thing one year! let me know what i need to do to get a shirt!

    I'll get a donation out to you this weekend, still catching up from travelling.

    by the way, the "mctage method" was widely discussed and used for those smallmouth. deadly technique indeed.

  5. Just got back into town from the 4th and I am pretty stunned as to the donations. Some generous souls out there!

    No word yet on if/how folks get grubby mitts on tshirts. The easiest way of course is to compete or volunteer but for outta towners that is kinda steep for a tshirt!

    John - The SP thanks you for the mulla. That method for smallies actually gets boring eventually. One of those rare situations where a fly-rodder can slaughter a hardware guy.


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