
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fly Swap Summary Page Preview

Alright fellow swappers, here is a free preview of the summary page for the fly swap in progress.

There it is, my shortest post ever. I have been too busy tying flies and learning how to massacre HTML! A little fishing might go down tommorow, it might not. We will have to see.

NOTE: This page will be in constant update as I receive flies. If the URL does not work it is because I am in the process of tinkering with it or adding participants.


  1. Looks awesome. I should have mine out to you by Monday.

  2. Nice job! I don't envy the angst you may have with the computer. And thanks.


  3. John and Nate - Sweet. Thanks for the word fellas. As far as I can tell pretty much everybody is on schedule or even ahead! At just 4 flies complete I feel like a total bum!

    Gregg - Man, the computer was killing me on this. Pretty much have it setup so that taking decent pictures and wordsmithing is the hardest part now though.

  4. Wow. Some great looking ties there. Putting mine in the mail tomorrow. Probably.


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