Mission blind-dumb luck grass carp accomplished!
I was working my way down the inside a long shoreline of cat-tails when I saw a long dark shape laying on the bottom facing the cat-tails in about 8" of water. I was only about 15 feet away and was able to pitch my fly underhand about 2 feet past its nose, pull it across the top and drop the fly 4" directly in front of the fish. The response was an immediate ,brutal and extremely un-vegetarian like surge forward to take the fly followed by a massive explosion of 16 lb of grass carp going crazy.
The first natural question is what fly did you catch it on? Grass carp are primarily vegetarians of course and the answer might surprised you. Earlier this week Eric at Catch Fly Fishing was inspired to add some Fishskull mini sculpin helmets to my McLuvin and sent me a couple to try out.

Make no mistake about it...this is meat! No way the grassie mistook this fly for a potato, tofu or even soy burger. Instead this was what I would call a trigger take where something alive appears in front of a resting grass-carp and they instinctively eat. This is my fourth grass carp take (the other three came up dry) and all but one of them was similar in nature.
A little more on the Sculpin Helmet McLuvin. The mini sized sculpin helmets are pleasingly small but this is still a very heavy carp fly. At long range you are going to scare every carp within a city block if you try and over-hand cast this fly directly to shallow carp. If, however, you are working in-close with flipping, lobbing, dragging and dropping type presentations at any depth the weight is perfect. It will also work out quite well in current and directly presented to deeper (knee deep or deeper) tailers.
In other words, if you know when, where and how to apply a heavy meaty carp fly like this it can be very successful. Today was when, lake YouGottaBeKiddingThisIsTopSecretShit was where and I certainly know how. As a result I had one my best carpin day of the year so far, all on the Sculpin Helmet McLuvin.
ReplyDeleteHope you don't mind if I mentally re-interpret that in a Marv Albert voice. Yuuuuesssss
DeleteWahooooo! Great takes! Where would you recommend I pick up some helmets?
ReplyDeleteGeesh Anthony, that is a good question. I am not sure if the micro's are new and upcoming or just not common yet...I can't find a source with a simple Google search. I will ask CATCH.
DeleteOK Anthony, dug into a little. These are the fishskull sculpin helmets in mini NOT MICRO. Not sure where I got the terminology micro. Eric at CATCH recommended this source: http://www.shop.flymenfishingcompany.org/Fish-Skull-Sculpin-Helmet-FSS.htm
DeleteWahooooo! Great takes! Where would you recommend I pick up some helmets?
ReplyDeleteEvery bit of grass carp lore I inhale. Good decisions there, great success with some nice commons. But what would one suspect from you?
Well not every day is as nice as this one was that is for sure. Well actually almost none of them are! It seems like the full acumulation of grass carp lore makes absolutely no sense except being in the right place at the right time.
DeleteRight place at the right time is 100% correct, I think. If they're in the mood, they'll hammer a fly.
ReplyDeleteHammer a fly. Sounds like lake MI. Oh yeah...in one week we are there baby!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMuchos Gracias you lucky lake MI carp catching machine.
ReplyDeleteThanks Targhee
DeleteNice..very nice!
ReplyDeleteYou have any grass carp out in those parts David? (David is in the California bay area)