
Sunday, March 15, 2015

TMD Swap - Stankify

Recent carpin has been so good for me, and today started so well, I decided to see if I could catch a carp on each and every fly I received in the The Midwest Drift fly swap.  I didn't pull it off, but man did I make a show of it!

When I was putting on the fly swap I would have such an weird emotional connection to the flies I received that I almost never fished them.  In an odd way I would associate the flies with all the hard work from putting on the swap and any time I would lose one it was a negative experience that just wasn't worth risking.  

This is better.

Ben's Underfuzz: 

Collies HS Evening Star:

DeMoss' Mixed Bag:

Mr P's Black Betty:

Rinehart's Hybrid Variant:

Updshall's Truckstop Charlie:

Zach's Butterball:



  1. Nice! I am jealous wanted to get out this weekend. Might be a few weeks for me. Way to lay into them!

  2. Replies
    1. Good. Seriously though, in a month you will be dropping 20's

  3. How the eff? I have a pond full of them, clear clean water and no takes! Any tips? Too early? Just thawed out and using backstabbers!!!

    1. Some lakes/ponds have an ice-out frenzy. Others don't. A common theme seems too be that smaller shallower and mudier are slightly more likely to have one. If your watter does not have an ice-out frenzy there is a bit of a lag until it starts. And if it does have an ice-out frenzy it often goes away in a week or two and has a lag of it's own for at least a couple of weeks. If that makes sense.

  4. Sometimes I think I should move, but Denver? Besides, it doesn't mean access for me. Anyway, awesome early success!


    1. One of these spots is totally accesible. Gravel path around half of it and the carp are roving in packs right now so that if you are patient enough to wait in one spot - and clearly you are - you will get a new pack will cruise in and start tailing in front of you every 10 to 20 minutes. All dinks but fun as all heck.


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