With 30 tiers and 42 different patterns submitted the 2013 carp fly swap was Bigger. Bolder. Badder.
Janssen's Wizard's Sleeve
Tier: Zach Janssen State: Kansas Website:www.roughflyfishing.com Notes: "I have been tying variations of this fly since I started fly carpin’ a few years back. The general crayfish-like profile aided by the undulation of the rabbit fur, makes this pattern my go to for fish looking for a bigger, meatier morsel. Fish this fly like most any other. Drop it in that sweet spot, give er’ a little twitch, and hope old rubberlips is willing to play!"
Hook: Tiemco 811S Size 6
Weight: Medium red dumbell eyes
Tail: Olive dyed rabbit fur, One 3 inch section of gray flexifloss
Body: “Sowbug” colored SowScud dubbing (my personal favorite for matching the color of our local crayfish and other miscellaneous crustaceans)
Claws: Olive dyed rabbit fur
Neck: Off green Whiting wet fly hen hackle over light olive hen saddle
Head: “Sowbug” colored SowScud dubbing
Majcher's Egg Worm
Tier: Nolan Majcher State: Pennsylvania Notes: "I included both of my two most productive patterns. Both were designed to deliver the effectiveness of a worm pattern with a body that is easier to track. I will use the bead chain egg worm when fishing deeper water or in current. This pattern gets down surprisingly quick"
Janssen's Alien Shrimp
Tier: Zach Janssen State: Kansas Website:www.roughflyfishing.com Notes: "The result of an insomnia driven, late night tying session, this godawful bug has become a target of ridicule for my buddies. Don’t let its unusual appearance fool you, for this bug accounted for my first handful of fish in the frigid portion of January 2012 and has been a consistent producer ever since."
"Aided by the beadchain eyes and the flexifloss, this fly\ rides hook point up with little splash upon entry, making this my top choice for shallow water, as well as presentations to cruising fish."
Hook: Gamakatsu SL45 Size 8
Weight: Two pairs #6 Beadchain eyes, one set secured two eye widths from the eye, and the other directly under the point of the hook.
Tail: Natural colored turkey marabou.
Dubbing: “Sowbug” colored SowScud dubbing (my personal favorite for matching the color of our local crayfish and other miscellaneous crustaceans.)
Shellback and Wing: Five strands of gray flexifloss.
Majcher's Worm Spawn
Tier: Nolan Majcher State: Pennsylvania Notes: "I included both of my two most productive patterns. Both were designed to deliver the effectiveness of a worm pattern with a body that is easier to track. I use the bead-head Worm Spawn when fishing skinny water. It lands very soft and has a nice slow sink rate and often gets eaten before it hits bottom"
For these I like any size 14 curved shank scud hook with a matching gold bead head. I start by tying the egg yarn on inline with the hook point. I then make two humps toward the eye. At this point, I secure the worm (WAPSI Ultra Chenille) in with two wraps of thread. Do your final hump and whip finish.
As far as worm length, i have been experimenting. I leave some longer and some shorter. So far I haven't noticed much difference between the two.
Muraski's Slim Pickin's
Tier: Ben Muraski State: Kansas Notes: "This is my go-to fly for picky river carp! I fish this fly on the strip mostly, often with 4-5 second pauses in between strips to imitate a fleeing crayfish. It also works well on the drop, the flexi-floss legs and pheasant feather wing have a nice fluttering action while the fly drops and settles to the bottom...."
I designed it so that it would be durable enough to withstand the rigors of carp'n in a river, yet still look unobtrusive and tasty from a carp's point of view. This fly has performed very well for me here on my home waters in Kansas City, I'm very interested to see how other carpers across the country do with it! Recipe:
Hook: Size 8-10 Gamakatsu SL45 or TMC811S
Thread: 6/0 UNI, your favorite color
Eyes: Unpainted lead, Mini (or beadchain)
Tail/Legs: Grey Flexi-Floss (split)
Claws: Brown Ultra-Suede marked with a sharpie
Body: Rusty or brown dubbing
Wing: Pheasant body feather fibers *
*Pheasant body feathers vary hugely in colors and patterns, find those which match the crayfish in your area the best.
Krazy Carper
Tier: Miles Christmas Originator:Jamie Kaminski State: Michigan Notes: "90% of the carp I catch are on some variation of this fly. A quick, easy and effective pattern for many species. A must for me since my tying skills are lacking..."
Gregg's Carp Eggs
Tier: Gregg Martin State: Idaho Notes: Size 6 eggs in mottled peach and mottled Peachy King. Gregg's Eggs are spun, packed and trimmed to give a dense spherical shape with a mottled appearance. Gregg effectively uses these eggs in turbid water under an indicator. Whether it is the shape, color, texture or sink rate is hard to determine but they are extremely effective and the popularity of eggs for carp of late is inspired in large part by Gregg.
The yarns can be varied, even straight up wool and wool/synthetic blends. The first picture shows some I've come to use and a warning, colors vary from one batch to another, note the "Peach," one is more orangish, the other a preferred yellow tinge.
Next is how I proceed. Here are some of the essential tools I use.
I should add super glue and a straight pin. I use in this case a typical egg hook, a Dai Riki 155 #6, and start a foundation with UTC 140 yellow thread and super glue this, the only time I use the glue. I select for a #6 hook essentially 2 pieces of 1.25" standard glo bug yarn, but note that I have a base color, Peach, with a yellow strand of a 4 strand indicator yarn and a strand of light orange tow (indicator also) yarn. I comb them out, blend them for a mottled effect, and place them on top of the hook, enveloping them with the thread and insuring the whole hook is covered. Here are the yarns used before and after combing.
After I cover the tie in with yarn I place another wrap over TIGHT and hold it taut while I pick and comb it out as best I can, looks like the mess it is.
I then work the thread through the yarn to the front and create another small thread foundation and end back at the yarn. I then pack with my fingers from both sides.
I then repeat the whole of the steps thus far except I do not surper glue the new foundation. Once at the front I work the thread through the yarns again and pack from the FRONT with a tool I made from a dowel. Then I check to see that it is full enough, it should be with a total of 4 yarn pieces even after severe combing and picking out with a pin. Then I whip finish, 2 4 turn twists. The next step insures durability and compactness. I pack from the REAR with my metal comb (obtained long ago frpm The Book Mailer to comb out Gary Lafontaine's antron yarns.) I push HARD and feel the back foundation slip forward.
I then separate the yarns top and bottom as equally as possible and will cut each piece at the same height, or as close as I can, pulling upward hard on the yarns. I then pick all the fibers out if I can.
It will form an egg looking piece I really could/should leave as it is with the fuzzy strands looking so milky for a better word.
Next I use forceps and form as round an egg shape as possible with scissors.
Muraski's Bottom Creeper
Tier: Ben Muraski State: Kansas Notes: "This is my #1 fly for hungry carp or carp in murky, post-rain water. The large profile and lead eyes get the fly on the bottom in faster flows, and get it seen by fish. I originally came up with this fly on a smallmouth trip, and then began experimenting with it for aggressive carp during the spring rains last year.
"This fly has saved many what would have been fish-less days for me. For me sight fishing is the ultimate, and it's just so damn cool to watch a carp charge, mouth open to eat a 3" long fly!!! This is a fantastic multi-species fly, and in addition to carp I have caught trout, freshwater drum and white bass with this. And the new species just keep coming up! I like to think this would work well for the great lakes beasts, and I hope to test it out there soon!
For carp, I fish this fly on a short slow, strip in murky waters, and a faster more aggressive strips for big, hungry carp!"
Editors Note: This fly is strikingly similar to an old carp fly called Jaimee's Krazy Carper by Jaimee Kaminski in SE Michigan which oddly enough is also being submitted to the swap by Miles Christmas. I talked it over with Ben and this is a cool example of parrallel evolution. Regardless, trust me, the methodology of peircing a rabbit strip to put it on the hook-side can make for an extremely effective carp fly!
Hook: Size 6-2 Gamakatsu B10S or Mustad 34007
Thread: 6/0, To match body
Eyes: Painted leads, sized to match hook
Tail/wing: Black, olive, rust, or grey zonker strip
Body: I also frequently use Ice-Dub but used the more subtle, carpy, Sow-scud here.
Legs: Golden or brown Crazy-Leggs
Rinehart's Soft Shoe
Tier: Josh Rinehart State: Texas Notes: "This is a simple design I have developed for fishing a very small lake in West Texas. The conditions that I fish are flats that range from inches to about 2 feet deep. The fish are extremely spooky and these flies are not weighted in order to give an extremely quiet presentation. Through a process of elimination I have also found that anything shiny or synthetic will get an immediate refusal."
Lake Balmorlea is an irrigation lake holding water from San Saloman Springs to be delivered to the local fields of cotton and alfalfa. I use a 3 weight rod on mast days matched with 4x tippet and my largest fish to date with this rig is 29.5". I am able to use a 3 weight because the flats have no snags and a mud bottom. In other areas of the lake and moving water situations I use a 5 or 7 weight with an assortment of bead chain eyed patterns.
The tan version of the Soft Shoe uses natural pheasant tail with a flesh colored rabbit fur body. The olive version substitutes an olive psuedo-marabou body. I have been successful in having carp who are not actively feeding take this fly on an instinctive reaction.
Pike's Egg Bitters
Tier: Matt Pike State: North Carolina Website: BigFish Fly Shop Notes:"Thanks to Gregg Martin, my brother in carp Ryan Dunne, and the US Carp Pro forum my eyes have been opened. I feel free. No longer do I need to look upon egg yarn as a derelict.....read more at Matt's blog"
Pike's Yiman
Tier: Matt Pike State: North Carolina Website: BigFish Fly Shop Notes:"I'm calling this one 'The Yiman', cause that's the guys internet handle that I stole the pattern from."
Bill Henry's Selection
Submitted By: Bill Henry Originators:Unknown State: New York Website: Great Lakes of NYC Notes: The flies I selected are from my carp stash. The orange and green flies with the large hooks are from a bunch I got years ago. They are a type of fly used in the Great Lakes region. The brown deer hair is a great fly for carp when they cloop. They resemble dry dog or cat food & berries. The red fly is a wet fly that mimics worms, leeches and minnows.
Kevin Frank's DamCraw
Submitted By: Kevin Frank State: North Carolina Website: Feather Chucker Notes: What I tried to do with this fly is find a combo pattern between a dragon fly nymph and crawfish pattern. I wanted something that would sink but not plop in the water or drop like a rock. I tied in wire wraps to give the fly extra weight. Even with that the fly will need to be submerged for about 20-30 seconds to get the fibers soaked.
I really like the look of the black eyes. It gives the fly a character type appearance. I left some legs longer than others do give the discretion of the angler whether they want long or shorter legs. I also tried to create a collar using marabou near the eyes. The collar does not overlap much to the top part of of the fly. I did this on purpose. The collar helps keep the fly at an angle off the bottom plus I'm hoping it will give a life like action of legs moving underneath the fly. I know for a fact this fly will also catch catfish. I used a similar pattern a couple years ago and caught one of my biggest catfish.
Hook: Gamakatsu Size 8 SL45
Weight: Lead Free Wire
Eyes: Large Black Bead Chain
Body: Stu Thompson Craw Colored Dubbing
Collar: Dark Olive Marabou
Tail: Dark Olive Marabou, Olive Silly Legs, Flashabou
Vibber's Carpsicle
Submitted By: Mark Vibber State: Colorado Website: Tie & Fly Notes: "I decided to enter a fly that I call the Carpsicle for the fly swap for this year. It's a fly that I started tying last summer, and I spent a few of my carpin' outings using this pattern. When I thought of flies that had worked for me in the past...." Read more at his excellent blog post here.
Hook: Gamakatsu B10S Stinger- Size 2 or 4
Bead: Red Tungsten 5/32"
Eyes: Dumbell Eyes w/ red accents
Tail: Black Marabou
Body: Orange Ice Dub
Rib: Red UTC Wire- Brassie
Legs: Black Sili Legs
Collar: Black Saddle Hackle
Frasier's Carp Fly
Submitted By: Dan Frasier State: South Dakota Website: CarpPro Notes: "Fox tail fur is one of most versatile and unique substances I tie with. The fine hairs are buoyant and breathe well without collapsing when submerged. This fly is fished without a strip or with a slow crawl in front of a feeding carp, to emulate a molted crayfish."
Hook: Size 6 Scorpion / CarpPro Gaper
Eyes: Small bead-chain
Head / Body / Over-Collar: Rusty brown dubbing
Collar: Red fox tail
Tail: Red fox tail over 2 rubber legs.
Immediately behind the eyes and on the underside of the hook I tie in a tuft of red fox tail about 1.5 lengths the hook facing forward (pointing out over the eye). I spin it on like bucktail so it is all around the hook.
Then i tie back to the curve and put in two short stands of the rubber and then a tuft of fox tail on top. I want the rubber up when it rides point up.
Then I dub my way back up the hook and over the tag ends of the spun hair.
The spun hair is then folded back and a dining collar is put on so it splays out and only slightly back. Dub over the eyes and whip finish!
Orr's Rojo Bug
Submitted By: Austin Orr State: Texas Website: Salt396 Notes: "I have caught over twenty species of fish in both fresh and salt water on this fly. It has all the components of a successful carp pattern where I fish - subtle profile, wiggly appendages, bugginess. Fish will eat it while cruising high in the water column and also hoover it off the bottom while twitching or crawling it." For more hit the button below and also read Austin's great blog post.
The Rojo Bug is my own creation, with pedigreed lineage easily traced to the first hook-up riding concepts from names such as Bob Clouser and Bob Nauheim (Crazy Charlie). What I was looking to do with this design was create a fly that rode hook up, landed softly, and provided a slim, breathing outline for the clear water I prefer. Redfish can develop a frustrating case of lockjaw, so I wanted to give them a delicious M&M to eat rather than a whole steak – and it worked.
I tie it on an 8 if the water I'm planning to fly carp is really clear. The moderate sink rate provided by the steel beadchain can be adjusted easily by tying in lighter or heavier eyes.
Hook: Mustad S71Sz-34007 Size 6
Thread: UTC 70 denier Olive
Eyes: Steel Beadchain
Body: Peakock herl, palmered
Tail: Red barred rubber legs
Wing: Pumpkinseed rubber legs
Montana's Hybrid
Submitted By: John "Montana" Bartlett State: Oregon Website: Carp On The Fly Notes: "For all my love of fly fishing, chasing carp, and catching big fish, I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to the details. In short, I don't cast worth a crap, I use the most basic knots and can't be bothered to learn anything more complicated, and hate...HATE changing flies frequently. These traits make the hybrid the perfect fly for me...." click button below for more.
I can tie it on at the start of the day, and be confident that no matter what type of water I end up walking through, there will be a visual trigger the carp are used to seeing. The worm tail is great in softer bottoms, and teh soft hackle / nymphy shape is deadly among the rocks and cobble. For all of our talk about how smart carp are, they are still fish. Show them something that looks like food they are used to eating, and they'll eat it. With the hybrid, you get a little bit of everything into one. Sometimes it pays to be a bit lazy." RECIPE:
Hook: Size 8 or 6 Scorpion / CarpPro Gaper
Hackle: Olive pheasant rump
Tail: Dark red or Wine colored micro chenile
Body: Peacock chenille
Anderson's Berry Go Plop
Submitted By: Geoff Anderson State: Missouri Notes: "This pattern is a much shorter and different colored variant of Chris Vargo's Black Ops. The molted color of the body is a dead match for over ripe mulberries that fall into water and no self respecting carp will ever turn that down. The bead-chain adds just enough weight that the fly makes the perfect berry sounding "plop" when it hits the water. Fish in my home creek come swarming to that sound."
Hook: Size 4, 2x short (Mine are tied on a Gamakatsu Size 4 Octopus)
Tail/Stem: Green goose quill or rubber legs
Body: Blended peacock, rust and dun UV dubbing.
Eyes: Black beadchain, medium.
Vargo's Blind Squirrel
Submitted / Tied By: Geoff Anderson Originator: Chris Vargo State: Missouri Notes: "This pattern was developed by my friend Chris Vargo, owner of Missouriflies.com. This pattern is exactly what was needed for catching the super spooky carp in the creek by my house. This fly enters the water quietly and softly to not spook the fish and also rides hook point up to reduce snags. This has been my go-to fly for the skinny water at my home water."
Hook: Size 2-6, brand of your choice (mine are tied on a Gamakatsu Size 4 Octopus)
Shell Back: Turkey quill with Clear Cure Goo
Body: Blended orange/rust/ginger ultra-dubbing.
Hackle: Grizzly
Wing: Fox squirrel tail tied in upside down.
Ty Clifton's Carp Fly
Submitted By: Ty Clifton State: Colorado Notes: "This sinks fast and doesn't spook fish and the legs move great with no movement by the angler"
Hook: SL45 #6
Body: Rust midge diamond braid
Weight: Small lead eye
Thread: Rusty brown thread
Beard: Rust rabbit
Legs: Brown speckled rubber legs
Medina's Black LickHerItch
Submitted By: Mike "Carpio" Medina State: Colorado Notes: "This fly is best in still-water. It can be presented softly to cruising, feeding or sleeping fish and because of the color, soft landing and slow sink it is good for positive AND negative carp and off-color water."
Martinez' Frankenstien Sculpin
Submitted By: Carptain Steve Martinez State: Michigan Website: Pere Marquette Guide Notes: "Here in Northern Lake Michigan we are abundant with lake sculpins and gobys and these are a great add to any Great Lakes box. Fished slow and with a hopping mostion they are my goto flies almost everyday for carp. My customers seem to be able to fish these well because they get to the bottom fast."
Hook: Daichi 1870 s2 4
Tail: Barred marabou (brown or olive)
Body: Ice Dub (brown or olive)
Body Hackle: Mallard flank (yellow always)
Pectoral Fins: Barred marabou (same color as tail)
Back: Mallard flank tied on then coated with hard as nails
Small sculpin helmet
More Steve Martinez Links: fishgazm - Steve's blog carptrip.com - Promoting some special Beaver Island outings this year. IndigoGuideService - Another guide affiliation of Steve's
Medina's Huevos de la Muerte
Submitted By: Mike "Carpio" Medina State: Colorado Notes: "Mike has used eggs here and there for a while but last years swap inspired him and he fished this “easy stupid but deadly” fly heavily over the past year and was massively successful with it in all kinds of situations because of the feather light landing and slow sink."
Gubbin's Dirty Dancer
Submitted By: Nate Gubbins State: Notes: This fly uses a unique extended forward body to place a cone-head bead ahead of and below a down-turned eye. Per Nate: "In this case, I used 40lb fluoro for the stem. I tied in the cone apparatus first, much like tying in the wing of a classic Catskill dry, then the tail, body, etc. No new tying procedures here, just a different application of them."
This is tied on a Daiichi 1530 #8. The tail is a dirty red hackle (shank length) with 4 SilliLegs tied long enough to be "jiggly" (aka 2 shanks). I then wrapped Chickabou, or the last wrap of fibers on a saddle hackle and the first two wraps of the fluff, right over the base of the tail. The body is just bugger style, in this case I used a sparkle brown dubbing but chenille would be at least as good (I just didn't have any). Wrap the body, tie off the hackle at the eye, then "push" some more body under the cone by wrapping up the mono stem similar in procedure to tying a hackle on a parachute post - pack the material in and wrap it back toward the eye of the hook, then whip it by pulling the cone and stem away from the eye (hence the down eye). Done.
Justin Watkin's FYI
Submitted By: Justin "Wendy Berrell" Watkins State: Minnesota Website: Fishing and Thinking in MN Notes: "Easiest fly in the world. Way back around year 2000 I fished something very similar for SMB in the Boundary Waters. Worked well. Perusing this article brought me back to that pattern. Burning a bit over that concept and the known response that carp offer to SJW and similar patterns..." Read more here
Hook: Colored bait hook from Eagle Claw with a really big gap
Thread: red 6/0 to match chenille
Tail: braided chenille, in this case purple and a fancy red fat ball of muck from a hobby shop
Body: purple chenille
Head: DB eyes or I-Balz, these courtesy of River City Fly Shop
Rice's Blue Monkey
Submitted By: Will Rice State: Colorado Website: Trout's Notes: "I am going to offer a bounty on the first photo I see that includes a) Cyprinus carprio or mirror b) my Blue Monkey in said carp's mouth c) and is accompanied by a solid story on how the fish was caught. The reward: something wicked awesome." Read a complete history of the Blue Monkey on page 75 of CarpPro issue 2.
Hook: Size 8
Tail: Brown rabbit strip
Bead: Blue bead
Over-Tail: Blue buckk tail
Over-Tail2: Rubber legs
Thread: Blue thread,
Eyes: Black beadchain eyes
Barry's Carp Fly
Submitted By: Barry Reynolds State: Colorado Website: BT2 Productions Notes: As you are probably aware, Barry Reynold's has been catching carp, lots of carp, on swimming nymphs since before most of us knew they would take take a fly. With his carp fly, Barry addressed some of the weaknesses of the basic swimming nymph and takes it to a new level. Note, this fly is commercially available from UMPQUA
Instead of a Recipe here is a tying video curtesy of InTheRiffle, Get his home-tie recipe here.
Bonus Flies From Reynolds
Submitted By: Barry Reynolds State: Colorado Notes: Barry sent in enough of these classic UMPQUA carp patterns that every participant got 3 or 4 extra flies.
Clockwise from the top left:
1) Bear's Hex
2) Burke's Aggravator
3) Near-Nuff Crayfish
4) Egan's Head-stand
Bear's Hex
Burke's Aggravator
Egan's Headstand
Near Nuff Crayfish
Carp Bitters by John Jensen
Submitted By: John Jensen Originator: Barry Reynolds State: Iowa Website: Currents Notes: "I tied a variant of Barry's Carp Bitter. I received one of Barry's Carp Bitters in the 2012 fly swap and the pattern proved irresistible to hungry carp. Plus, Barry is a carp fishing legend so I'll imitate as best I can." Read the incredible story of how hard John fished last years swap flies here.
Roughfisher's Ruffian
Submitted By: Roughfisher (JP Lipton) State: Minnesota Website: roughfisher.com Notes: "Roughfisher's Ruffian is Carp Crack's older brother. A great profiled fly with plenty of movement from the soft hackle and rubber legs. The two tone action helps break up the color scheme, with just a bit of flash in the spectral dubbing and midge krystal flash. Features a hook point protecting fur throat..."
"...It's been tough NOT tying on this fly when out fishing. Been effective on everything from carp, freshwater drum, channel cats, and smallies."
Hook: Mustad 34007 Size 6
Thread: UNI-thread 6/0, Red
Tail: grizzly marabou, hot orange
Flash: midge flash, rootbeer
Antennae: Medium Centipede Legs, Hot Orange
Body: Roughfisher's Seal Sub Dub, Pumpkin Orange
Hackle: hen ringneck pheasant, tan
Thorax: Roughfisher's Seal Sub Dub, Pumpkin Orange
Throat: Rabbit, tan
Eyes: #8 Bead chain, black
Austin Anderson's Carp Fly
Submitted By: Austin Anderson State: Texas Website: PondBass Notes: "I have to admit I haven't fished the pattern yet but when Trevor selected one of my extras and caught a fish on the fourth cast in one of the most pressured locations for carp on the fly in America I think that proves something special. This fly will be in my arsenal this year for sure" Don't miss the tying instructions at the CarpPro forum (free account required).
Hackle- Brown soft hackle, whatever you have will work (Just a thought this would look badass with pheasant aftershaft instead of hackle...hmmm
Eyes- Black presentation lead eyes(or black bead chain if you don't need the weight)
Tail- Rust colored rabbit fur
Dubbing- Hare's ice dub, Rust
Inverted Leach by Alonzo Sanchez
Submitted By: Alonzo Sanchez State: Idaho Notes: "These are a variation of a pattern a friend of mine developed for our carp, the Inverted Leech. it was developed to land softly and 'rock' on the way down. the flat bottom aids in the swimming action and ensures the hook rides point-up."
I like to pre-tie a bunch of hooks in advance with lead, tails, thinskin. Then I just wrap/dub the body the color I want and tie off the back/bottom thinskin. Pick out the sides so you get some wings and you're in business.
Hook: 1-2X Long curved shank 2-10 200R**
Weight: I use 4-18 wraps of lead from the barb to the hook point. This location aids in roll over in the water.
Tail: Angora, Wool, fur, rubber legs (optional)
Back/Top: ThinSkin or scud back. I like a wider strip on top of the shank.
Body: any long fiber hair/fur. Angora, leach yarn, mohair, etc.
Beard (optional): Same as tail.
**Per Alonzon - "200R sucks IMO, but a lack of options makes it a ready choice. I've been using the Nailer hook from the UK carp game. I like it a lot more, but it needs a bit of an offset."
Some bonus video Alonzo sent showing the tying procedure and drop behavior of this basic design:
Erdosy's Damsel Bugger
Submitted By: Mark Erdosy State: Delaware Website: This River is Wild Notes: "This is a modified woolly bugger. The Schlappen on either side is meant to slow it's descent and create a parachute effect and also allow the pattern to lay flush on the bottom. The Damsel Bugger can be tied in three different styles (light, medium and heavy) and large or extremely small depending on the body of water you are fishing."
Hope's Carp Dragon
Submitted By: Adam Hope State: Pennsylvania Website: This River is Wild Notes: "The pattern I submitted is a weightless rendition of a dragonfly nymph. I am able to target feeding, cruising and laid-up fish with this pattern. I fish this fly to mudders and cruisers by leading the fish at a distance that allows the fly to slowly parachute down in the water column directly into their line of vision"
The abdomen is a folded piece of Paton's Bohemian Yarn, tied to appear flat. This is a craft store product and in this case is the color "Artistic Taupes". The body is fragments of shredded yarn used as dubbing. This fly sinks and swims HOOK DOWN and is fished mid-column.
Dobrowolski's Carp Diem
Submitted By: Matt Dobrowolski State: MI Notes: "My go-to carp pattern, done in many variations. This color will work well for those days on the flats when it's not exactly bright blue and sunny and the wind is blowing. Designed to make the carp angry!"
Dobrowolski's Just Eat Me
Submitted By: Matt Dobrowolski State: MI Notes: "This one is pretty simple. Carp get hungry they eat it! Also works well when the carp dissapear and the Smallmouth show up."
Goodwin's Woven Nymphs
Submitted By: Ty Goodwin State: GA Website: Carp Aficionado Notes: "These small, fast sinking nymphs are proven to be deadly on my home waters. If this past year has taught me anything, it's that the ideas of discretion, subtlety and even stealth extend all the way to the end of the tippet when we're talking about carp."
Go watch this video on tying polish woven nymphs at midcurrent for an instructional video.
McTage's Foam Trouser Worm
Submitted By: McTage State: CO Website: Fly-Carpin Notes: For this swap I submitted the reworked Foam Trouser worm. Video and background is available here.
Hook: Size 6 Scorpion Gaper
Bead: 3.25mm black brass
Thread: UTC red waxed 280
Eyes: #6 stainless beadchain
Body: 15lb red amnesia
Tail: Uni big fly thread (B), Spirit River extra small black glass bead, 2.7mm black brass bead, 14 1/16" thick 1/8" diameter red foam plugs.
CarpPro Stickers
Website: CarpPro.net Notes: Not only did CarpPro send out stickers for all the participants, they also did a 16 page article in CarpPro Issue 2 with pictures and tier profiles for many of the patterns.
Orvis Fly Boxes
Website: orvis.com Notes: Orvis provided enough nice fly boxes to equip all 30 swappers. This was a huge improvement and is greatly appreciated!
INTHERIFFLE.com Stickers
Website: intheriffle.com Notes: INTHERIFFLE provided tier sweet new carp stickers for all the participants.
Trout's Fly Fishing
Website: http://troutsflyfishing.com/ Notes: Trout's Fly Fishing provided enough stickers with the new carp version of their venerable logo to supply all the swappers.